Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunsilk looses its "SHINE"

Dear Friends,

Here is another big brand "Sunsilk" which had released an ad in Sandesh last week. There is an error in the headline.

The error is in the word "Shine" which is the main catch of the whole message and the whole ad revolves around this word. So you can judge what happens. So much of effort and cost but  the shine is lost!

This ad in Sandesh in Colour on Page 3 costs ` 4,45,500/- as per card rates.

Do visit the blog as while I will keep a track of the promotions in and Around Ahmedabad.

Nikhil Joshi


Unknown said...

Nikhilbhai, I have not noticed this advt. Thanks for drawing our attention. Keep doing it, in some time we may be able to improve their gujarati. Nirav patel

Unknown said...

Dear Niravbhai,

Thanks for visiting the blog and posting your comments and also for the encouragement.
