Thursday, September 19, 2013

Small Mistake spoils the Copy.

Dear Friends,

Here is another blooper which has got printed without proof reading.

The mistake is in the word "વાર્તાઓ" at two places in the headline and body copy.

A nice copy which attracts the readers gets killed because of such errors.

Nikhil Joshi

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Proof Reading could have avoided the Blooper

Dear Friends,

This ad released by RBI is full of errors which have occurred because no proof reading has been done.

You will hardly find a line without errors. An important ad which is issued in public interest will not be "interesting" if you start reading it. This would have gone in many other languages too.

I particularly remember and appreciate one publication in the country "The Hindu" who used to proof read all the advertisements received by them for their newspaper and send telegrams to the agencies, if there were errors in the advertisement. It used to refuse to carry an ad with mistakes.

Do send in your comments.

Nikhil Joshi

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Chennai Express reaches my Blog!

Dear Friends,

Chennai Express has reached my blog with a Blooper in the main part of the Body copy.

The ad has been released today 24th August, 2013 - Saturday. The ad says "Watch Chennai Express Today, (Saturday)  Tomorrow (Sunday) or Sunday!! and you could win....

Here the ad copy has not been changed as per the date of the release.

Nikhil Joshi 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Another Blooper in Headline

Dear Friends,

Here is another headline blooper. If you go through the earlier blog posts you will find that most of the mistakes by different brands / agencies are done in the headline! Ironically headline is one of the key elements in the ad to attract reader attention and major brands have gone wrong in this important part of communication.

Do send your comments.

Nikhil Joshi 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The 100th Advertising Blooper!

Dear Friends,

Here in this ad there is a mistake in the headline. The word "કરો" should have been there instead of "કરા" .

There is also a punctuation error in the second point of the body copy. There is a full stop instead of a question mark and it changes the meaning.

This is the 100th Blooper that I have come across. I think  proof reading the copy before release,  which is a very important part of any communication, is given the least importance. Do let me know your comments.

Nikhil Joshi 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mistake in Headline!!


Sorry, I had been occupied a bit and could not bring you advertising bloopers, though I used to come across them.

Here is a one where the headline has mistakes. The mistake is in the word "દરરોજ" There is a space in between the words which could give a different meaning.

Moreover there are mistakes in the word "ઉઠું" and "જોઉં" also.

This ad was carried in Chitralekha.

Do visit the blog and post your comments.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for reading my blog on a regular basis. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. Do keep reading the blog.

Nikhil Joshi