Thursday, December 1, 2011

Serious Mistake in AIDS Related Advertisement.

Dear Friends,

This is a an ad with a grave mistake which has changed the entire meaning and the objective of the ad on World AIDS Day. This has happened because of an error in the translation of a single word, which should have been actually translated and written as "પ્રસાર" while it has been printed as "પ્રચાર"

This ad's actual objective is to convey a message "On this World AIDS Day, let us all come together like one single Nation and take an oath to stop the spread of the disease - HIV"

The wrong word has lead to an opposite meaning - "On this World AIDS Day, let us all come together like one single Nation and take an oath to stop the PUBLICITY of the disease - HIV"

While discussing this ad with my friend Dharmeshbhai, he has also remarked that in the headline/punchline related one of the word "લાભદાયક" which means "Beneficial" is irrelevant while using it with HIV. As per his opinion it should have been "સન્માનજનક" which means Respectable.

Friends, many ads with such grave mistakes go unnoticed. I will continue the effort and track such Bloopers. Thanks for all your appreciation.

Nikhil Joshi


Suresh Thakker said...

when u spend money for promotion , or awareness campaign , approving authority could have seen the contents thoroughly, Nikhilbhai , thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sureshbhai.
