Thursday, November 10, 2011

Left or RIGHT ??

Dear Friends,

In India, Cars predominantly have Steering on the Right Hand Side and Left Hand Side Steering is not common. 

This Porsche Ad released in The Times of India - Ahmedabad Edition shows a Left Hand Steering Drive!!!  It gave an impression as if it was with a left hand side steering. While today the photo of the car in one of the press release in a newspaper showed a to be having Right Side Steering.

Jitesh, my friend pointed this when we saw this ad. It appeared yesterday in The Times of India - Ahmedabad.

This is a typical example of an advertising blooper. 

Friends I look forward to your comments.

Nikhil Joshi


ajay japee said...

nikhil i think they are trying to show all their present international models !!

Venky said...

they must not have had a photograph of indian version and must have uploaded or aired the Italian version but your point is badhiya hain

Unknown said...

Hi Venkat,

True. This might be one of the reason.

Thanks for your comments and appreciation as always.


Unknown said...

Hi Ajay,

It seems to be a last minute decision to publish an ad and the non-availability of the RIGHT Creative (pun intended) could be a possibility.

Thanks for your comments.
