Friday, October 1, 2010

SBF Health – Painful Confusion!!

Dear Friends,

Normally when we make a statement, it is true or false / correct or incorrect. But if we ask a question its answer expected is either Yes or No.

Here is an ad where there is question asked and the options given are True / False or Correct / Incorrect.

This is a typical case of a Confusion which the ad creates. The headline asks a question to the readers and gives them options - True or False instead of YES or NO.

Moreover in the last line of the body copy they answer their own question but forgot to put inverted commas to the answer.

Confusion hi Confusion hai. This ad in Gruhshobha – Gujarati Edition costs Rs. 35,000/- for a full page colour.



Unknown said...

Good one dear....

Unknown said...

Dear Jignesh,

Thanks for visiting the blog and putting your comments and also the encouragement.
